The eastern part of the State where the team is located is devoid of many basic resources and a Medical Outreach has been a very effective evangelistic tool. It has given the team favor with both the Government and the people in the area.
Phillip regularly charters a taxi to take extremely sick people to a hospital 6 hours away. IDES and FAME jointly sent funds to purchase a new vehicle to use as an ambulance. The funds were sent almost 24 months ago but they were frozen in the India bank system by the Hindu government. A two year wait to get the funds released has now happened and the vehicle is now in the team’s hands! -KO
Phillip regularly charters a taxi to take extremely sick people to a hospital 6 hours away. IDES and FAME jointly sent funds to purchase a new vehicle to use as an ambulance. The funds were sent almost 24 months ago but they were frozen in the India bank system by the Hindu government. A two year wait to get the funds released has now happened and the vehicle is now in the team’s hands! -KO

Phillip the Medical Leader wrote:
We are very grateful for your continued supports and co-partnering with us for the extension of God’s Kingdom. We appreciate for your love and prayer supports for the ministry. We sincerely hope and pray that you would continue to uphold us and the needs for the ministry in your prayers. May Almighty God continue to bless you all!