Jul 30, 2024 | Evangelism, News

Fancy Divider

Evangelist Pyi Win planted a new church in the ACS Sponsored Mt Olive Refugee Camp Village in March 2024. His average attendance has been 50.  Some refugee Christians have come to his village, and they are now in his church. There have been no baptisms yet but there are 5 Burmans almost ready. His offering has been $46 per month from new refugees, this represents profound generosity as many came with only their clothes. His monthly activity includes house to house evangelism, home cell prayer meeting, fellowship with a nearby refugee church and sharing food and love gifts to meet needs based on the offering available. He has also led children’s Bible Study and adult Bible teaching. During the last three months, three Christian refugee young adults ended up in his village, he sent them on to go to Bible College and be equipped for mission.