Jun 1, 2024 | News, Relief

Fancy Divider

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Asia Mission field. We all the fellows are doing well under our God’s care in this challenging time. God is good and faithful to protect us even serving Him in the most dangerous mission fields. The coup continues fighting and striking the villages by jet fighters and the whole villagers have to escape for life by leaving all properties.  Simon

We are building new villages for refugees! Two are under construction. There is no safe zone in Myanmar, many refugees escape into jungle without food. Many cross the border and become refugees along Thailand/Burma border.

In these villages we build homes for refugees and dig well for the refugees. These refugee camps are safe for refugees, and they are well received in Christ’s Love

This is a new additional evangelism strategy for ACS. Most of these refugees are Buddhists, not Christians, so in each new village 1. We buy the land. We dig a well and create a sanitation system for the village.  2. We build a “Community Center”/Church building. 3. We place a church planter in the village supported by ACS for four years to evangelize and pastor this new group of people.  4. We place a schoolteacher who graduated from one of our Bible Colleges in the village to teach preschool and elementary children, to stabilize them and help the village be at peace.  Most refugee children are outside of the public school system and so many will not receive a public education while living in the refugee village. 5. And we help secure bamboo for them to build housing structures to live. This complete package is needed to re-establish these Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) and help them rebound from the traumatic experiences they have just gone through.  We know that Jesus is the greatest need they have! Our love for them in this way allows for the gospel message to make sense as they are sorting out their new life in a new place with new people. -Kent Odor ACS Board Chairman (Every $50,000.00 will establish a new village with all the components described above.)